Chapter 3 Page 7
April 3, 2017
No, but like, don't worry about it, though.

So hey, how about sending some love by some of our new SpiderForest members? We'll be spotlighting thematically similar batches for a few weeks, with this week going to Sword-Swinging, Spell-Slinging Fantasy! We've got:

Monster Lands - A fantasy/dramedy story that focuses on the axe-wielding, monster-riding adventurer Othera as she battles against the tyranny of the evil queen Eren Lorry!

HELM - Embark on a journey across the dark and dangerous world of HELM in search of the legendary Bastard King.

Saffron and Sage - Saffron and Sage is a comedy/action comic about a group of adventurers trying to rescue a kidnapped Prince while learning valuable life lessons.

Sell Spell - When Sedo, an illegal spell-for-hire, is tasked with "retrieving" a mysterious artifact, he cons a gullible Mage's apprentice and his motley crew of bodyguards into helping him. However, as simple treasure hunt turns into treacherous cross-country journey, Sedo gets the sinking feeling he is being hunted… and more importantly, underpaid.