Chapter 2 Page 2
July 18, 2016
Preacher stays preachy and Haelu finds some weird rocks.

I had a lot of fun with that bottom panel, even though it looked better in my head. My favorite panel is actually the second one. That snowy road came out pretty good. b^^d

I forgot to mention this a few weeks ago, but page 18 was the first page I did entirely on my new Cintiq. Before switching to the Cintiq, I used Lazy Nezumi to do my linework, but haven't been using it since that point. I kind of miss the smoothness, but I like keeping the screen relatively uncrowded. Anyway, just a thing that happened. Wondering if I should explore using LN again going forward, just to help the inks go faster.

Finally, new TWC incentive! Click the button in the sidebar for my thumbnails for next week's page.